Choosing mismatched bridesmaid dresses

demoiseeles dresses

Because your bridesmaids are all different, they each have their own personality and style. It's important that they feel confident and comfortable on your wedding day. Choosing mismatched bridesmaids' dresses is also a great way to dress your bridesmaids. sustainable approachIt's likely that your team will be wearing them again.

There are several ways of offering mismatched bridesmaid dresses. The simplest is to choose dresses of the same colour and to different styles. Then you can reverse the idea, in the same style and a different colour.

Another way of offering a look to your bridesmaids is to choose a colour paletteblush, peach, Indian pink... A range of tones, a material, satin, velvet, linen, etc. so give them as much information as possible.

Make no mistake, achieving a successful bridesmaid look takes a little thought and planning.

Communicate and propose

It is important toget your bridesmaids involved early on in the research process, so you can give their creativity free rein when choosing their outfits. Create a WhatsApp group and inspire yourself by doing a Pinterest board allowing you to choose looks you like and share them with others.

Now is the time to suggest your range of colours to guide them towards your vision and the right look.atmosphere of your wedding.

zank you
Heavens my love!

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